Connecting Professionals in Philadelphia
Present-day Philadelphia is home to many Italians who were born and educated in Italy and integrated into the local professional and cultural community. This new generation of long-term and temporary Italian immigrants brings a fresh perspective on the Italian heritage and a snapshot of contemporary Italian culture, academic excellence, entrepreneurship, and technological innovation.
In the fall of 2011, with support from the Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia and inspired by successful experiences of similar networks in the U.S., a group of Italian professionals combined their energies, ideas and expertise to build a professional and cultural network of Italians in the Greater Philadelphia Area. After establishing itself as a creative and dynamic organization in Philadelphia, PI-Philly became a registered nonprofit in 2016.
We are passionate about sharing the best of our Italian heritage with the local community. We work in partnership with local institutions to organize and promote events that showcase our background, including movie clubs, lectures, music concerts, book presentations, and more. We also foster professional and social networking through our monthly Aperitivo
Built on contemporary Italian culture and creativity, PI-Philly inspires ideas, conversations, and action to bridge Italy with Philadelphia.
PI-Philly’s mission is:
To connect Italian professionals in the Greater Philadelphia Area and to facilitate interactions among members
To organize and promote cultural events and projects of interest to the Italian and international community in Philadelphia
To create bridges between international professionals, companies, and institutions working in Philadelphia and potential partners in Italy
To foster an authentic Italian heritage in Philadelphia, by promoting the spread of the Italian culture and language